Wholesome Nurturing of Faith

Wholesome Nurturing of Faith

Alot of effort is put into making learning enjoyable for children through different activities. But when it comes to Islamic education, there's barely any effort and unfortunately most children don't have great memories of learning the Quran from their teachers, whoever they may be. There is also a HUGE void in availability of quality resources, while great resources for regular education can easily be found everywhere.
At Safwah Publications, we're trying to fill this gap. We highly appreciate all parents and educators who invest in us in any form and their true reward is only with Allah. But we would also like to put forward this soft reminder that our resources alone are not enough for a child's Tarbiyah. Our children also have to see *us* implementing Islam for it to become a part of them.
Do our children see us praying/reading the Quran/interacting respectfully with others on a regular basis? Do they see us turning to Allah during difficult situations and being grateful to Him at all times? Or do they see us missing prayers, backbiting and yelling at those under us? Are they being raised in an environment of T.V. dramas and serials or in a healthy atmosphere following the guidelines of the Quran and Sunnah? 
May Allah help all parents striving for the best Tarbiyah of their children and make it easy. It's a task which requires constant accountability, but if we want to bring forth worthwhile Muslims to the Ummah we have to put the effort and inshaAllah we'll bear the fruit too.
#raisingmomins #safwahpublications #islamicparenting #tarbiyah
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